Collograph Printmaking, October 18th

New Class!
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Collograph Printmaking

Learn how to make your own collagraph plate from materials found around your home! What is collagraph printmaking? A collagraph is a collage of materials of various textures glued on to a printing plate, often a thin wood or cardboard. The plate is inked up, and then printed on paper creating beautifully unique textured images. There’s a certain amount of unpredictability in the process, but that’s half the fun! Materials will be provided but you are encouraged to bring in your own items to include on your plate. Think about cool textured items you have around your house like lace, sequins, beans, tinfoil, etc. that you don’t mind incorporating into your art.

Wednesday, October 18th
5pm -7:30pm

Class Session is 2.5 Hours.
$60.00 per person.
In-person instruction at Layor Art+Supply

All supplies for this class are provided.

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Collograph Printmaking, October 18th